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Dan Sheets
165 Courthouse Square • Frankfort , IN 46041
Phone:765-659-6300 • Fax:
Mon-Fri 8:00AM - 4:00PM

The County Surveyor's Office establishes and reestablishes all Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Corner positions of the sectionalized lands in Clinton County, monuments them and records their positional data in the Surveyor's Office. By statute, at least five percent of the corners must be checked each year. All legal surveys submitted to the County Surveyor's Office are recorded and maintained in a legal survey record book.

Our founding fathers placed the office of County Surveyor in the State Constitution. They wanted to keep people with the knowledge of cut parcels, town and city boundaries, drains and topography as officeholders elected by the people. They waned the surveyors to remain in service to their counties for longer periods of time, and therefore did not impose term limits on the County Surveyors.

All Clinton County Drainage Board actions are reviewed and processed through this office. Maintenance and reconstruction work on the county's regulated drains and ditches are designed, bid and managed by the Surveyor's Office. Assessments for drainage improvements are calculated by the Surveyor's Office. We also respond to and investigate petitions for the removal of obstructions in mutual drains and natural surface watercourses.

The Clinton County Surveyor mantains all plat maps for county.

New development plans are reviewed by the Clinton County Surveyor's Office. Some items of review include:
  •Primary plats
  •Secondary plats
  •Storm water detention calculations and designs
  •Erosion control plans
  •Construction details, plans, profiles and specifications
  •Watershed analysis
  •Pipe design calculations
  •Engineer's estimates

A vertical control network of monuments and benchmarks is maintained by the Surveyor's Office. This network is constantly being expanded with the addition of new sites. Additionally a network of horizontal control monuments tied to the Indiana State Plane East Coordinate System is being developed. This system will aid in the development of the County GIS layers, future aerial photography and photogrammetric applications.

What We Do
  •Review of drainage problems and concerns
  •Repository for legal surveys and Section Corner information
  •Assistance with drain assessment concerns
  •Process Drainage Board petitions
  •Inspection of new development sites
  •Investigation of drainage complaints
  •Design new storm water facilities
  •Schedule maintenance work on drains and ditches
  •Invest funds while on deposit with the county

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